
martes, 15 de noviembre de 2016

Jealousy, celotipia

Jealousy, celotipia

celosLa celotipia. Jealousy is an emotion that arises from wanting to own exclusively the beloved person. The fear of loss, real or not, planned as a threat. We normally associate this feeling to partner, but it can also occur between siblings, classmates...

Jealousy and envy, have the same motive: the need to own. The jealous manifested their fear to lose their possession, i.e. considered to be yours and does not want anyone to remove it. The envious wants instead to what does not. Jealousy can be a manifestation of love, can be positive while respect the standards accepted by the couple.

Jealousy may not be bad
The jealous feels bad when you see or imagine your partner with others. Feel anxiety and nervousness when it happens. Frequent is the constant comparison ("am lower that...", "I'm less sympathetic that..."), facilitating the underestimation and the need for demonstration of affectionby the other person. The comments and gestures of the other are analyzed thoroughly, looking for evidence. Acts motivated by mistrust, refuses to go out with other people and be angry if your partner shares his time with others. The State of surveillance is continuous, leading youto spy on your partner correspondence, calls... in order to ensure loyalty or find evidence supporting a possible adventure.

ejemploLos jealousy, the celotipia, when they exceed a reasonable dose, destroy the couple. For example, it is reasonable that we can feel jealous when a person of our same-sex talk regularly with our partner. But in the long run the jealousy can destroy the relationship: the constant threat, feel that each behavior, is watching will make late or early thecouple to change the way they behave, that it destroys the possibilityof dialogue and finally, the fear of losing the other, just taking the relationship to an end. It would be a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Jealousy and the self-fulfilling prophecy
imagePara overcome jealousy, the first thing is to realize that you are it. We must try to discover what moments one behaves in a jealous way. Write down what is done, what it feels like and what you think of those moments will help understand and better reason their origin. Of course, should discuss it openly with the couple. Perhaps jealousy havebasis, but perhaps not so, if thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, is likelythat they can find many errors of interpretation. You would have to tellthe jealous, if your partner is with him it will be because he wants to you as it is, it is not necessary to compete. It is better to devote energies to strengthen and not to destroy the relationship. It is necessary to improve dialogue, respect and trust. To achieve all this, the best way isto plan new activities together looking for enjoy with it.

Dialogue, respect and trust.
The jealous ends, can have quite exaggerated demands that even being accepted does not soothe the feeling of insecurity. They limit the lifeof the couple so that they do not allow them to leave home, talk withothers, manage... The fear that love is stronger. We could recommendthese people that continue not enduring all that, seeking support to deal with the problem, who do not feel guilty for what happened and that attempt to help your partner with specialized care. The celotipia areoften very associated with stormy relations where conflicts are the main form of relationship. If you want to know more about how to avoid jealousy, do not stop reading this article link.

This article is closely related to the technique of detection and copingwith the dreaded consequence, DACT, encourage you if your problemis jealousy you read this article in detail. It can help you deal with jealousy when they reach the degree of pathological.

Jealousy. Do you or someone who knows answer to this pattern of jealousy?. Make us your comments, share your experiences. If this article found him interesting, share it. Click the icons of social networks, thanks

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