
martes, 15 de noviembre de 2016

Jealousy, celotipia

Jealousy, celotipia

celosLa celotipia. Jealousy is an emotion that arises from wanting to own exclusively the beloved person. The fear of loss, real or not, planned as a threat. We normally associate this feeling to partner, but it can also occur between siblings, classmates...

Jealousy and envy, have the same motive: the need to own. The jealous manifested their fear to lose their possession, i.e. considered to be yours and does not want anyone to remove it. The envious wants instead to what does not. Jealousy can be a manifestation of love, can be positive while respect the standards accepted by the couple.

Jealousy may not be bad
The jealous feels bad when you see or imagine your partner with others. Feel anxiety and nervousness when it happens. Frequent is the constant comparison ("am lower that...", "I'm less sympathetic that..."), facilitating the underestimation and the need for demonstration of affectionby the other person. The comments and gestures of the other are analyzed thoroughly, looking for evidence. Acts motivated by mistrust, refuses to go out with other people and be angry if your partner shares his time with others. The State of surveillance is continuous, leading youto spy on your partner correspondence, calls... in order to ensure loyalty or find evidence supporting a possible adventure.

ejemploLos jealousy, the celotipia, when they exceed a reasonable dose, destroy the couple. For example, it is reasonable that we can feel jealous when a person of our same-sex talk regularly with our partner. But in the long run the jealousy can destroy the relationship: the constant threat, feel that each behavior, is watching will make late or early thecouple to change the way they behave, that it destroys the possibilityof dialogue and finally, the fear of losing the other, just taking the relationship to an end. It would be a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Jealousy and the self-fulfilling prophecy
imagePara overcome jealousy, the first thing is to realize that you are it. We must try to discover what moments one behaves in a jealous way. Write down what is done, what it feels like and what you think of those moments will help understand and better reason their origin. Of course, should discuss it openly with the couple. Perhaps jealousy havebasis, but perhaps not so, if thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, is likelythat they can find many errors of interpretation. You would have to tellthe jealous, if your partner is with him it will be because he wants to you as it is, it is not necessary to compete. It is better to devote energies to strengthen and not to destroy the relationship. It is necessary to improve dialogue, respect and trust. To achieve all this, the best way isto plan new activities together looking for enjoy with it.

Dialogue, respect and trust.
The jealous ends, can have quite exaggerated demands that even being accepted does not soothe the feeling of insecurity. They limit the lifeof the couple so that they do not allow them to leave home, talk withothers, manage... The fear that love is stronger. We could recommendthese people that continue not enduring all that, seeking support to deal with the problem, who do not feel guilty for what happened and that attempt to help your partner with specialized care. The celotipia areoften very associated with stormy relations where conflicts are the main form of relationship. If you want to know more about how to avoid jealousy, do not stop reading this article link.

This article is closely related to the technique of detection and copingwith the dreaded consequence, DACT, encourage you if your problemis jealousy you read this article in detail. It can help you deal with jealousy when they reach the degree of pathological.

Jealousy. Do you or someone who knows answer to this pattern of jealousy?. Make us your comments, share your experiences. If this article found him interesting, share it. Click the icons of social networks, thanks

lunes, 14 de noviembre de 2016


Overcome the breakdown of a relationship is not easy and it takes its time, but there are some things you can do to overcome it faster:

1 controls your thoughts. Now you tend to think of that person frequently and possibly spend enough time a day to remember it, fantasize about his return, trying to discover what went so wrong, analyze what happened, etc. I.e. you can fall into a State of obsession that makes yousuffer. As a result of what you think, your emotions can vary throughout the day. For example, you can feel sadness at the thought that thisperson is no longer in your life, feel anger at the thought that you let you, feel guilt if you think that you did something that caused the rupture, etc. Thus, depending on what you need every time, your emotionsmay be changing frequently and make you feel unsteady, as if you could control them. Here are some things you can do to control your mind (and your emotions):

-Propose you reduce everything you can while you spend thinking about your ex-partner. You will not be able to avoid arising out your memories in your mind but yes you can cut those thoughts when they appear, saying: "Enough, you don't think about them, think or do another thing" and focus your mind on something else. Do it all the times thatneeded, whenever you find yourself thinking about your ex-partner.

-A specific time spent thinking about things that you really need to think. It may have something to learn from what happened and that there are experiences that you need to process. The problem is not to think about certain things but you're not able to control your mind and those thoughts constantly arise and you prevent work or do your normallife. Therefore, propose an hour and a particular period (for example, half an hour at 9 in the evening) to think of things you want to think. Ifbefore that time they arise in your mind thoughts related to your partner, think: "now not." I think this tonight at the scheduled time"and it focuses your attention on what you're doing at that moment.

-Practice mindfulness. In addition to mindfulness meditation for a while each day, also you can live with mindfulness each time. In fact, everyone should live with mindfulness at all times because it is the best wayto keep your mind uncluttered and make the most of every moment. It's pretty straightforward. It is to focus your attention to 100% in everything you are doing, simply be, already is eating, work, clean the House, practicing a sport or any other task or activity that you do. Don't dothings with the head somewhere else, paying attention halfway or thinking about what are going to do next, or as if you were a robot on auto-pilot. Get every thing as if it were something fascinating, focusing allof your attention on every detail of what they do, using all your sensesto immerse yourself completely in such activity, feeling everything thatactivity makes you feel. When you focus your attention on something this so intensely, there is space so that your mind is full of unwanted thoughts.

-Read the following articles:

Intrusion of the mind: unwanted thoughts
Are you depressed? Change your thinking
The rational emotive therapy: how to change your thoughts
2 search for help and support from your friends. If you have a State ofdepressed mood and few wanting to leave, ask that you push, you take to the street. Let's say clearly that you need his help to get out of this.

3 keep you busy / with various hobbies, sport, work, studies, etc.

4. think (and repeat several times) that can withstand this, which is a stage, you should give yourself time to heal that wound, that you will befeeling better as time goes and you are perfectly capable of overcoming it. Remember that any breach brings with it a time of pain that wehave no choice but to accept until it fades. Repeat to yourself / a: "now pass this bad luck and I feel bad a season I have had but I can endure it until you pass".

5. do not forget that your life is made up of many things and people, that the life of a person is much more than a couple's relationship andthat all those things together give meaning to our lives. Your life is notempty to be without your ex-partner because it is full of many other things (everything with what you decide to fill it every day).


Research conducted to discover what makes a relationship work, noted that people who maintain a healthy and satisfying relationship, conducted psychological tasks that we list below:

 1. are separated emotionally from their families of origin; not to the point of becoming strangers, but enough so that its identity is separate from that of his parents and brothers.

 2 build an emotional closeness based on shared identity and privacy, while at the same time establish the limits necessary to maintain their autonomy and independence. I.e., they share a unique identity of partner and maintain their respective individual identities at the same time.

 3 establish a rich and enjoyable sexual relationship and protect it against the intrusions of the work and family obligations.

 4. couples with children is open to accepting the role of parents and absorb the impact of the arrival of a new be family, but learn to protect the privacy of each of them and the couple.

 5 they face and dominate the inevitable crises of life and the couple, no escape from them or deny them. 6 maintain the strength of the link between them in the face of adversity. The couple or marriage has to be a safe place in which both members of the couple can express their differences, anger or conflict.

7 they use humor and laughter to keep things in perspective and to avoid boredom and isolation.

8. take care, support each other, meet the needs of your partner of intimacy, support and comfort and provide a stimulus and ongoing support, helping your partner to grow and develop their abilities.

 9 kept alive the romantic and idealized love, images while at the same time they face the more sober realities of the changes wrought by time.

domingo, 13 de noviembre de 2016

10 features to detect egocentrism

Self-centered personality: 10 features to detect egocentrism.

Usually, self-centered people use this feature as a psychological barrier that prevents them from acting taking into account the consequences of their actions on others. Often, the origin of this trait can be foundin your family experience, usually in an environment made up of parents of little affection, that projected onto the child desires of greatnessand omnipotence.

But how exactly is the self-centered personality? The following 15 traits are characteristic of the self-centered people.

Distorted self-image

1. false self-confidence
While the external image of the egocentric may appear a great confidence in himself, the reality is different. Self-centered people tend to bereally insecure. According to the German psychologist Erich Fromm, because a mechanism of Defense (1991). Projected a contrived self-confidence and they seem to believe all what they say, so may be persuasive and may be able to act as if they have a high self-esteem.

2. excessive self-esteem
Shows which excessively value themselves. However, the researcher D.M. Svarkic argues that this attitude may indicate just the opposite: a fragile self-esteem trying to compensate through efforts to be respected, recognized and admired by other people.

3. the feelings of grandeur
The self-centered person believed to be possessed of great talents and special skills, and think that their problems and needs can only be served by people with great ability and prestige. The environment of theself-centered person usually employ some expressions to refer to thisattitude, for example "believed a / to divo".

4 ambition and excessive expectations
As a result of their feelings of grandeur, self-centered people may be constantly focused on their fantasies of power, success, love, sex, etc. Itis not uncommon to think that at any moment his career eclosionara and become millionaires.

5 distortion of reality
The egocentric only accepts the reality that fits with his dreams of grandeur. It tends to not give credit or simply rejects those aspects of hislife that put into question its prestige and its image of perfect and admirable person.

Little empathy
6 it is unable to recognize the feelings of others
The poor demonstration of feelings and affective gestures toward thepeople around (be sensitive you would feel less) contrasts with the need of the egocentric be admired and flattered and respected. It is not very sensitive to others.

7. difficulty to assess personal characteristics of the person of your environment
This point generates a total lack of commitment, empathy and affection between the egocentric person and those close to them.

Hypersensitivity to the evaluation of others

8 it reacts excessively to the criticism you receive
Although you can not express it directly, the individual with egocentricpersonality is too be offended by any criticism (Kohut, 1972). It believes that others do not have enough level or authority to judge him, thatcriticisms are probably due to jealousy aroused by. They tend to be overly susceptible.

9 compared with others and feel envy
Concerned feel valued as better than others. Indirectly, the self-centered person expresses feelings of envy, it is not able to accept non-success. They are not able to accept the help of another person. This last point is paradoxical, since while they need to receive praise and respectfrom others, are unable to accept any kind of help.

Difficulties in interpersonal relationships

10 exhibitionism
The self-centered personality also manifests itself in certain attitudes as the motivation for the pleasure of feeling flattered and admired. Thisis often seen in excessive desire to wait be rewarded with praise for others, and also a permanent need of the attention. For this reason, they tend to show much tendency to occupy positions of public impact, from which can be object of attention and admiration (Akhtar and Thompson, 1982).

Guide to provide emotional first aid

Guide to provide emotional first aid

1 question what they want from you

Faced with a sad person, one of the first questions you should do is:what can I do for you? It is at that moment when it begins the emotional support of truth, has more than under the investigation of whathappened. Prioritizes your well-being to your curiosity to know whatcould happen.

2 listen to what you say
Support is, among other things, listen and facilitate the other can vent to release tension. Therefore, you should not take a role as active toclearly lead the relationship that the sad person and you have. Support is just that: be willing to help the other person, pay attention to their needs, and not to saturate it with tips or activities imposed. For this reason, the most important thing you can do is practice active listening, i.e. less than the other person speak and do it to make it it that ifyou want to, can express itself.

3. do not despise the silences
Do not have why to feel discomfort if the time you spend giving company to the other person is fraught with silences: is normal. Accompanying physically this person already can be helping, and words are something secondary almost always. Tries, in addition, that the other person note that for you there is no problem in staying long time without saying anything. So you won't have to act on commitment.

4 cry isn't bad
It seems absurd to have to say it, but it is never wrong to remember this. Today cry is frowned upon, especially in the case of men, and yetis a mechanism present in all cultures used to download tensions, exhausting the body and, in a way, relieved. It is also a good time to strengthen ties through the embrace, since this physical contact can bemade from that moment on the person who is sad feel more wrapped and freer to express thoughts and feelings that afflict it.
You can complement this point by reading the following article: "howto give bad news? 12 keys to emotional"

5. he respects your privacy
Provide emotional support to someone does not mean that we are sealing a pact with that person that you offer company to change thatreveals you all the reasons of her sadness. One side of this feeling ofgrief is verbalizable, but there is another that inevitably is intimate and subjective, either the person prefers not to reveal it. It is importantto respect that.

6. look at the important details
Someone who goes through a bad time is able to spend much timepondering what happens or focusing on their emotions and, therefore, is able to forget important things in their daily lives. If you can, tryto be there to look if this person is going through high things important both in its planning of the day to day as in small gestures and movements that can be done.

7 respects your desire for solitude
There are many people who prefer to be alone when they are sad. Why you not insist on being next to them whatever they say and do what they do. Leaving a space you can be helping it recover and, in any case,you can always clarify that they can count on your company at any time if at any time you want them.

What music hear smart people?

What music hear smart people?

In a previous article of mind and psychology, we could see a study that linked the preference for musical styles determined with the tendency to possess a certain personality profile. In the study that we are discussing today, Virgil Griffith, American creator of software and application developer, set out to investigate the link between the musicaltastes of the people and their academic performance. The conclusions of the study were collected in the dossier "Music That Makes You Dumb" (music that makes you stupid).

The results of this detailed analysis were found after crossing the average grade in the entrance exam to university students with the music published and shared on the social networking site Facebook. As we see, a little scientific methodology, but it is worth echo us the results found, nor be as a cornerstone towards further research evaluatingthe relationship between these two variables: intelligence and musical preferences.

Rock for intelligent and reaggeton for fools?
According to the results, young students who earned poor ratings were who liked to hear music artists such as Lil Wayne, The Used, Beyonce or Jay-Z, the genres of Hip Hop and Reggaeton being the most commonly heard by this type of students. On the contrary, those who gained a bright note in the entrance exam were crossed with the greatcomposer Ludwig Van Beethoven.

Within the sector with high ratings, also were reported repeatedly bands such as U2, Counting Crows, The Shins, Bob Dylan or the BritishRadiohead. Closely following this outstanding list of Red Hot Chili Peppers, Coldplay, or groups.

The musical tastes of the average students (those who not noted neither for good nor for evil, average students) included groups like Pearl Jam, System of Down, AC/DC's legendary Australians, Oasis or TheDoors. The author of the study rated visually all data in a table that was posted on its website, and we offer below.

The methodology of the study is certainly questionable. First of all, the study was presented in the media as the correlation found betweenthe varying intelligence and musical tastes, when really the researchnot measured strictly none of them. With regard to the first, it should be noted that establish a total symmetry between intelligence and academic performance is quite imprecise. With regard to the second, it is likely that what we share on Facebook is not a reliable criterion tomeasure our tastes and preferences.

Furthermore, it should be explained that, obviously, there is no scientific evidence that allows to say that there is a certain type of music that makes us "more intelligent" or "dumber". It is a statistical question,mere correlation. We will have to further investigate to see up to what point there some sort of relationship between the level of intelligence and the preference by some or other musical groups.
"Trump spent the last four days of his campaign with attacks personal directed to me, and this is the result", said Hillary Clinton through a called filtered by media U.S.
. The democratic excandidata to the Presidency of the United States,

 Hillary Clinton, criticized the director of the Bureau Federal of investigation (FBI) James Comey, by having announced a few days before the election, new research related to the use of mail servers private when he was Secretary of State (2009-2013) this Saturday. "There are many reasons why a choice like this has no future," said Clinton after a call t leaked to media.

 "the analysis is that the letter from Comey, who raised doubts that were instigated, stopped our momentum," said Clinton, who had to face hard setbacks of Trump for new research, related to the computer of the family of one of his advisers.

 This second movement of Comey is developed in "a real motivation for them voters of Trump", that as the millionaire believe that the system is "rigged" for protect them interests of the elites political and favor to them Clinton, added the excandidata presidential.

Trump accuses media of instigating protests

The President-elect said loving the fact that protesters have so much passion for his country. The victory of New York entrepreneur Donald Trump in U.S. elections unleashed a wave of protests in at least eight cities as a sign of displeasure on his election. Situation that caused indignation to the newly elected President, which blamed the media of inciting the demonstrations against her. Protests two days after being elected are posters of "Not my president" (is not my President) in opposition to the Republican. There have been reports of violence at these demonstrations as the case of a man who was dragged out of his car and beaten while a crowd shouted "hit him, he voted for Trump". "We had a very open and successful presidential election. Now protesters, spurred by the media of communication, are protesting. Very unfair! ", said the businessman via Twitter Thursday." Citizens took to the streets in different parts of the country > Why won Trump and the crisis of the current globalization model day after the businessman said love the passion with that lospatriotas out by his country: "I love the made of that them small groups of protesters last night had passion by our great country". Trump, who will lead us from the next 2017 to 2021 in his first message after becoming the winner of the elections on Tuesday warned that "forgotten men and women will never be". share this video with your friends. Remember to comment and give like the video! Subscribe!

Smart people masturbate more routinely,

Smart people masturbate more routinely, reveals a study

A recent research carried out in the United States has revealed a curious correlation between two variables: the level of studies of a person and the frequency of masturbation, finding that they are people with greater skills training which tend to masturbate more frequently.

This interesting and controversial study has been carried out by theNational School of health and Sexual behavior of outstanding specializing in sexual conduct Debby Herbenick, research psychologist of the Kinsey Institute addresses in the United States of America. She has led this research, found that people with higher academic level tend to masturbate more regularly.

As he relates the catalan scientific popularizer Pere Estupinyà in his book S = EX2, research was funded entirely by a well known Corporation of condoms, and consisted of conducting surveys at a total of 6,000 U.S. citizens between 14 and 90 years of age, selected rigorously,with a follow-up of participants, being this one of the most completestudies about how humans in today's society we live sex. The data and results of these surveys have been object of much attention.

Results of the investigation
According to the scrutiny of the polls, it has revealed a 71' 5% of women aged between 25 and 29 years recognizes to have masturbatedin the past year. A more modest figure, 46' 5%, are women aged between 60 and 69 years claiming to have done so in the past 365 days.

If we move to a bit more advanced ages, as in the case of persons older than 70 years, the study reported that 33% say having masturbated over the last year; a figure very high if we take into account the popular belief that sex is not present in the lives of persons of advanced age.

It seems that people with better training more practice onanism
Other findings of the study were, for example, the correlation between the academic level of the subject and the correlation of this variable with the frequency in masturbation. Such as the owner of the news,it seems that there is a trend to a higher level of studies, most commonly the individual masturbating.

On the other hand, the survey also threw that 25% of men and only5% of women confess to having consulted pornographic content onthe Internet in the last month. Another interesting fact, and that it has to do with the protection during sex, is that 28% of men claim to have lost erection when they were about to put the condom in at leastone of their three recent sexual encounters.

sábado, 12 de noviembre de 2016

Russia ends its ray of death

Russia ends its ray of death
 capable of converting appliances not cordial at a lot of "useless junk". While the U.S. opts for vehicles not cordialas one of the most promising weapons of the future, creating a varietyof drones able to operate by land, sea and air, Russia ends its 'spoke, death', capable of converting appliances not cordial at a lot of "useless junk". Report by the Center for strategic and international studies in Washington, UNITED

STATES, Ashton Carter, Defense Secretary explained that United STATES was progressing in the development of aircraft not cordial capable of operating at sea and in the air. "In fact, we've recently taken an important step." They will hear more about these developments in the coming months", announced the head of the AmericanDefense.Among the possible progress I referred to a Carter,

 U.S. Media dedicated to the issues of Defense suggested could be technologiesto avoid the detection of aircraft by a guided drones 'swarm' or the use of assault coating available inexpensively, of infantry of the of"the landing of the used preparation". It was previously know the Pentagonwas testing new aircraft attack and surveillance of low-cost, named Perdix, had been specially designed to create interference in air defense systems enemies.

According to the head of the office of the strategic capacity of the Pentagon, during these trials, the American minidrones United States F - 16 and F - 18 fighters were launched and were able tofly at low altitude, already Tilting a move of the coating of surveillance.For its part, Russia decided to develop a weapon can be neutralising this new technology 'in advance'.

The Russian State Aerospace Corporation already has a cheap gun and cash against the minidrones. This new system is capable of converting no friendly vehicles into useless garbage. Instead of firing in the minidrones with bullets and missiles, theweapon breaks his radio electronic systems, turning them into uselesspieces, explained the head of the press service of the company,

 LeonidKhozin Sputnik Agency.For years, the character of contemporary warsand combat tactics changed considerably under the influence of new technologies. In this new context, traditional weapons have lost their effectiveness, since they are not able to repellent as them an 'army' of complex robots.

"In this case, light weapons are useless. Intentar knockminidrones with anti-aircraft missiles is the same fire the cannon against sparrows. And what happens if these aircraft fly in a forest, above a city,or if for example is event with many people? In this case, the use of anti-aircraft guns is impossible, "Kozhin stressed." According to the spokesman of the creative company, the new weapon is a low-cost technology that has already passed the tests and can, in fact, repellent and minidrones. "Now there are no bullets from the purchase it is necessary to spend so much money for projectiles and missiles, as it has not costa 'shot' of this new weapon".

Therefore, no friendly aircraft sector havegotten concep in the secular struggle between systems of attack and defence, with the main actors of the technological forces of measurement.

Do we need to sleep 8 hours a day?

 By: Jesus Santoyo G.Fuente:

Do we need to sleep 8 hours a day?


 Relacionadossalud, insomnia, Publishedin our health issues accelerated day by day, the passage of time and the effect of globalization, makes us not reconcile power and most important, reconciling way mathematics our State of sleep.

 Is by that is each time more difficult to render in the school or in the work. Ifwe not have a recovery ideal while slept, not will serve of anything all the time can invest, if not there is really a dream repairman.

 Studies show human beings we sleep between 5 and 9 hours each night, everyone has habits of rest filter-regulator and sleep patterns are short, the Woods 5.5 hours or less, while others have a variable dream, those whodo not have any discipline in his dream.

 Something is of vital importance to the harmonization of rest, is the choice of a good mattress and pillows comfortable contribute to have best results of energy recovery.

Can music heal?

Can music heal?

We have all experienced the power of music in our humor, memories and pleasant associations, but music can make healthier heart? Can youheal a brain injury? There is medical evidence that the answer is Yes.

Rhythm and health

Most of the classical music scores range between 60 and 140 beats per minute, which stimulates heart rate and causes a State of relaxation and tranquility for the body. The melody, tone, tempo and the beat of asong can alter a patient's condition.

"Without a doubt, the music is a very powerful way to connect the body with the mind. When they are connected, the actual process of healing begins", explains Dr. Stephen Sinatra, cardiologist of the Center forheart and longevity in Manchester, Connecticut.

Classical and Baroque music can lower blood pressure and the levels of stress hormones such as cortisol and adrenaline, which harm the body and cause diseases.

Proven cases

In a study of 30 patients, two German doctors of the NeuroradiologyDepartment of the Hanover School of medicine monitored the levels of stress hormones, blood pressure and heart rate, and found that patients who listened to music remained stable in these fields, while increased levels of those who did not do.

In addition, music helped especially patients who felt afraid or were nervous (about the treatment that were going to submit).

Dr. Sinatra recommends to listen this playlist, which includes:

-The 2nd movement of the #4 in Brandenburg, Bach Concerto
-Suite #2, Bach's orchestral
-"Venus", of the planets, Gustav Holst series
-The first movement of the Suite of the Mother Goose, Ravel

viernes, 11 de noviembre de 2016



Source: agencies
What is the syndrome of neck of text?


Natural health, daily
Text of neck syndrome, known in English as Text Neck, is one of the suffering which has led to the overuse of technology. As its nameimplies, this is manifested by the overuse of mobile devices, causing health problems such as pain of head, nape, neck and shoulders.

What causes it?

The addiction to these devices keeps the head tilted for many hours, causing the neck to lose its natural curvature. Its effect is so annoying,which is one of the most frequent causes of disability and absenteeismfrom work.

Consequences of the neck text

The text"neck", or "text neck syndrome" was intended so, by Dr. DeanL. Fishman, chiropractor of the University of Florida, which manifests itself with a strong muscular discomfort by stress, chronic pain, stiffnessof the neck and shoulders, as well as a gradual deviation from the column and the presence of a herniated disc or compression of the nervesof the same.

In more severe cases, you can get to manifest a respiratory dysfunction due to chronic pain around the neck, as well as affect the intestine, causing problems of evacuation.

Thus "text neck syndrome", ends in passing the Bill, after long periodsin your mobile and/or hand-held devices with positions that are not natural for the body, leading to musculo-skeletal problems that affect the health and quality of life of millions of users of all ages.


Currently non-invasive such as Shiatsu, which consists of an ancient Japanese therapy treatments. Its name, Shiatsu, derives from the etymology shi (fingers) and atsu (pressure), i.e. "finger pressure", which play adecisive role in stimulation of certain points-meridians - reactivates and balances the vital energy of the body.

This oriental technique aims to help the body to self-regulate, restoring the different streams that run through it (lymph, blood and life energy). For this purpose the therapist performs acupressure in rhythmic form on certain points? What are those who use acupuncture? whose effect is to unlock the duct and allow power to be activated again.

How does shiatsu help with text neck syndrome?

The main therapeutic effects in the body include:

Elimination of muscle fatigue and feeling tired.
Improvement of circulation.
Relaxation of the nervous system.
Stimulation of body waste removal mechanisms; i.e., as there is increased activity of intestinal and kidney, it helps to evacuate better.
Relief of pain, insomnia and stress.
Regulation of the functioning of organs such as liver, stomach and heart, among others.

Shiatsu is a therapy without side effects and with great benefits, so it has been granted official recognition within the health care system of Japan and defined by its Ministry of health as a health and wellness technique.

But, to achieve excellent results with this technique, derived from the traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), which has been practiced since more than five thousand years, and it was retaken by the imperial dynastyin Japan, should be strictly applied by a certified professional therapistthat contributes to the balance of the skeletal system who wish to benefit from this therapeutic method.

Knows 3 kinds of digital media: own, earned and paid

Knows 3 kinds of digital media: own, earned and paid

Know the power of balance between the own average, won and purchased, digital

Media-digitalesCuando a brand decides to show him something on the internet, is a timely campaign or its permanent offering, there aredifferent media and digital impulses to disseminate and manage information. These means, to be more precise, 3 are classified as own, earned and paid, and consist of messages and content of the brand indigital, from very different levels of persuasion and approaches.

Brands must master management and balance of these 3 types of media, if they want to have their actions on the internet high return and what is read from it to produce conversions and connections looking for. For what to know how to raise your online based on each media strategy, I explain it you in detail below:

Own digital media

It is everything that controls and produces the brand:

Your web site and subportals
Your presence on social networks, is the main account of the mark, or alternate accounts, campaign or support
Its communications by email and messaging as Whatsapp or Line systems
Their mobile applications
In these channels mark communicated officially and controls everything it publishes, within the limits of each platform. They are obviouslyhigher production by enterprises, since they diffuse into free channels which have with an audience that has already decided to connect with them.

Own media represent the backbone of the actions in a brand digital,but being official messages of a brand with an audience already established, do not always have the impulse or scope that is needed. Andfor that, there are just these 2 other types of media:

The average gained in digital

Medios-ganados - influence-digital-usuariosSon messages or actionsthat refer to contents of a brand, but a user audience, producing them for free. I.e., they are all publications that perform on a brand, users in social networking, comments, links, or parts that left on a web site or mobile app or emails sent on a mark.
The average won is of sum importance because they come out with the label of "recommendation" of the author of the message, which works in online trust, key in web and social commerce. If someone tweets or instagramea about a product, you are creating a branded content for your audience of followers or friends, but with its seal and personal assessment. Similarly, there may be a review or article about something of you, to publish others on their web sites.

The brand is impacted since someone is giving free advertising in a genuine manner and usually does so by way of recommendation. Keep in mind that the average won not always is positive, not always occur in media you control (such as your sitiow eb or facebook page). Inany case, you should encourage your customers and consumers to share about yourself across digital platforms.

Ideally, if the average won is positive, is that you seek the way to leverage this content and reuse it for your own content strategy. Something like "crowdsourcing content", which helps you because it validates the use or experience that others have with your brand.

What are the paid digital media?

It is the content that is produced in digital for which you are paying.Normally occurs due to the necessity of creating a momentum or different scope, that the brand is not getting with his own and won half.To cite some examples:

Tweets and Facebook, LinkedIn, Foursquare publications on behalf ofthe brand that are promoted to one wider through the paid ad platform audience.
Publications on blogs and networks social as Facebook, twitter and Instagram by counts of influencers or editors, which you remuneras somehow.
Banners for your website on other websites, whether through directplacement or platforms type Google Adwords Display (like the example below). It envisages equal search engines type SEM advertising results.
Ejemplo-Anuncio - google-Adwords-DisplayEjemplo SEM - laptops

The advantage that gives these means is that with very efficient advertising schemes, and you get a scope and considerable influence onan audience which does not arrive with the same intensity in your own media. The disadvantage is not having the same effect, since beingsomething outside of your community, or portal, the audience does not have the same connection with the brand if you own media. Also,sometimes, with some influencers "sponsored" content, it also paid media,is very noticeable that it is not a real message, subtracting their power of influence.

Balance and synergy between the 3 digital media

As you can see, each media type has its advantages and are produced in

What time is best to publish to social networks? Facebook, Twitter and other

What time is best to publish to social networks? Facebook, Twitter and other

You know with this infographic, best times to publish to social networks like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google Plus, Pinterest, and Tumblr.

When you work with social networks, and you care about the resultsof your management, it is common that you want to have the greatest possible return, provided that you prepare and public a new post.Therefore knowing what time is best to post on the various social networks, is information you need to know all Community Manager or curator or content producer.

Of course, not all communities, nor for all the content, behave equally. But even so, it is not more hours, which generally give you the bestresults from reach, clicks and interactions. Why want to share you this graphics I found surfing the Internet, to find it very well done and very good data.

The study, presented by the company Sure Payroll, and data of different media such as Mashable, BitLy, of Buffer blog and others, graphically shows the best time to publish to social networks like Facebook,Twitter and LinkedIn, as well as data usage in each of these social media platforms.

Don't miss this infographic below, so you as a guide, and then you step a few own tips to give you even better data:

Computer graphics best hours to publish to social networks


As you can see, although in most networks is maintained constant which is one of the best times to publish around noon, each network has their days and time ranges where perceived greater scope and interacciones.Como you mentioned above, this graphics and data, are not so now you decide to publish only at these times, but yes, to get started experimenting with them.

In any case, you should know that your audience, your industry and the type of content that you share, make up a peculiar combination,which might not apply the same rule of all. For this reason, I recommend the following:

-On Facebook, watch the report of hours where they connect your fans [guide here post]. With this report of the analytical native to Facebook, you can look at what time your fans are connected by each dayof the week, and thus have a better idea of the behavior of your audience. Considering the decline of the organic range in the fan pages,possibly decide that it is better to start posting more frequently (if you are plenty good content), in the afternoon hours, night or weekends, already that the report you checks that at that hour if there are connected fans.

-Don't forget to check your analytical native to Twitter [post guide here]. Few months ago, already all Twitter accounts have access to its panel of analytical, completely free and without having to create an account for Twitter Ads. When you enter your panel, you can see the impressions or scope that recorded your Tweets, and if you want to do a more extensive task, you can download the excel with the metricsof all your Tweets. I recommend you do this if you want to make more precise graphics or if you want to know in detail the type of interactions that recorded your messages on Twitter.

-Applications that help you with these figures: there are several applications that provide you reports about the best time to publish, withdata more advanced than the natives of Facebook / Twitter. To mention a few: AnaliTIC Octosync, Sprout Social, CrowdBooster, SocialBro,AgoraPulse, and many more. Review them, explore them as you like,to see what can work you better.

-On Instagram, two main schedules. I've been experimenting a bit with the Instagram's blog and even with my personal account, and I've found that the best time to publish are starting noon and 5 pm (17 h).This, considering that many of us actually only checked Instagram from mobile phones, and at the times in which we have a break from work.

In summary, it uses all the tools possible, experiment a little with thetimes and always measure the results. Although always help you share good content, on the other hand, if you have not mastered these techniques to publish in the best possible schedule for your brand, youare exposed to your content from being lost among all the noise of social media.

The best solution for the skin that you have ever known

The best solution for the skin that you have ever known

Rather than waste your money on expensive creams anti-aging who make big promises, but that finally not ended resulting as expected, oneof our readers has discovered a product for skin that literally removesmany years off for a ridiculous amount of money (Yes, much less thanyou might imagine). Keep reading to find out how it works and what we are talking about!...

"Laura Fomento, of Argentina, was able to remove some 20 years fromyour face with this simple product!"

Laura, a 72 year-old grandmother who lives in Argentina, is a perfect example of as a little ingenuity can save you lots of money.

Like the majority of people, Laura did not have too much extra moneyto try all those apparent "miracle" creams anti-aging backed by celebrities that there are out there, we see in hundreds of newspapers and fashion magazines. Not to mention the possibility of resorting to expensive medical procedures aesthetic, such as plastic surgery, botox or facelifts.

Before trying this simple trick, she admitted that she used to spend at least one hour a day on a regimen of skin care consisting of more than6 different products, with clearly disappointing results. Each product made big statements promising to erase wrinkles and give back a youthful skin; and as Laura followed all the instructions to the letter, he saw no real results.

Frustrated and disappointed, she saw to take out a loan to resort to Botox injections, and I even contemplate a very expensive (and risky) facelift procedure. But the high cost (ranging from USD 5000 - more thanUSD 20,000) and the stories of horror of irreparable failed proceduresconvinced it that qirurjicos aesthetic treatments were not the solutionshe was looking for. Laura was determined to find a solution anti-aging safe and economical that could give real results and not leave indebted.

Laura solution:
After a year of in-depth research and talking with other women on thebest ways to nurture and rejuvenate the skin, Laura heard about a product that I was testing one of his best friends. It was an American product that his daughter had traio from the United States and was givingyou real results, not only she, but many women around the world. Thatproduct was Bellavei.

Her friend gave him a sample of Bellavei and without hesitation Laurabegan using it daily (had nothing to lose...),... Fortunately a few days began to see remarkable results every time I looked in the mirror. Afteronly two weeks, the results were evident: finally had found the productthat was giving you real results.

With Bellavei, Laura results were markedly better than what you can find in clinical aesthetic treatments of $5,000 or more. This product removed 90% of all your wrinkles and areas that most acomplejaban it. Bellavei began to give firmness to your face and neck, removing all signsof sagging, aging, and dehydrated skin. Laura was able to see these results dramatic anti-aging simply by using a sample of Bellavei given tohim by his friend for only 14 days.

Friends and family were very impressed. They were convinced that Laura was applying botox... why your skin lucia 20 years younger practically from one day to the morning! Soon, began to spread the word and his secret had not only has expanded her circle more initmo, but all Argentina echoed the novelty, and in a matter of weeks its history came to the small screen in a renowned TV program.

Laura is now one of hundreds of women who share the same story ofsuccess. Using this method, she effectively wiped out more than 20 years on your skin. This changed his life and left completely stunned all to her around!

How does it work?
The recipe he used Laura for removed 20 years off are simply two key ingredients in BellaVei:

Oil of evening primrose
Both ingredients are natural and work together to erase wrinkles and fine lines at the cellular level - under the surface of the skin - is why they are so effective.

Evening primrose oil is the key to keep your skin healthy and youthful.It is a powerful antioxidant that slows the speed of the rate of free radical damage, which causes dryness, fine lines, and wrinkles. Helps combat, and even reverse the effects of weather on your skin, because it produces collagen - a protein that makes skin look more fill in and sign.

Arbutin functions as a powerful modelation. It can contain up to 1,000times their pes

miércoles, 9 de noviembre de 2016

places most visited UK

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places most visited UK
Some call it fashion, for me it is simply very useful lists of places that you must never fail to visit when you go to a country or completely unknown city, so always know you get an impression as plural as possible.
On this occasion, we make echo of a ranking done by popular vote on the 7 best sites in the United Kingdom take note!


It could not be otherwise, the British Parliament is, without doubt, the most emblematic monument from around the United Kingdom and the symbol of English democracy which are so proud.
The original Palace of Westminster burned in 1834. The current building was built on the ashes of this and it took 48 years to get rebuild, moving us up to the year 1888.

Big Ben is in the clock tower of the Palace and owes its name to the famous clock that can be seen from any part of London in the Tower of San Esteban.



The famous megalithic stones that you find very near London, rose already more than 5,000 years ago, and is, today, a cultured situation for astrologers, as well as for researchers who want to unravel the mystery of the stones raised there.

This monument was built from 2,800 BC, which believed that it was a religious center of the Celtic culture.


Located in a quarry near Cornualles, is a major botanical exhibition complex of greenhouses. One of the largest in the world which has more than 12,000 species of plants that come from everywhere in the world.


One of the three is the oldest inhabited Castle in the world, currently, officers of Queen Isabel II of England. For 900 years has been the home of all the English royalty.


Built on a former place of worship Celtic, is the largest Cathedral of the United Kingdom and one of the largest in all of Northern Europe. It has a mixture of Roman, Viking and medieval styles.


117-kilometre marked the limit far became the Roman Empire in their advance by the Islands. He served in those times to stop invasions of the Caledonian. Its antiquity dates from the year 22 BC


It is one of the places most visited, and its shape one of the most famous. Located next to the Thames, it is the world's largest Ferris wheel. Your tour lasts approximately 30 minutes.

I hope you enjoyed the post.
He says that place missing at the top and which is your favorite.

martes, 8 de noviembre de 2016

typical food from Sweden

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typical food from Sweden

I'm going to talk about a topic that we all we want to: typical! Travel around Europe is also synonymous to experience new flavors and so this post is filled with the most delicious typical food of Sweden!

And I have to warn you that I want to be biased (rs) the post is a top 5of the Swedish typical food I love it!

1-Swedish meatballs

Kötbullar (meat ball) is the name of Swedish meatballs. The dish is served with gravy, mashed potatoes and is always accompanied by typicalsuper berry Swedish, the famous lingon. Have kötbullar option in various meats: beef, pork, etc. These are photo Moose meatballs! #yummy

To try other exotic meats we recommend the Viking Restaurant in Stockholm.
Moose meatballs with red wine sauce and mushrooms. I love!

2-fresh cod

You know that dry and salty cod, our old acquaintance imported fromPortugal? As it is! Forget it!  In Sweden the cod is served fresh, likeany other fish. The dish is usually Baked cod with potatoes and vegetables. Super soft and tasty!

This dish is served at the restaurant photo Timmerman 1857, one of my favorite restaurants in Stockholm.

Delicious fresh cod, super dish typical of Sweden.

3-Plankstek-steak on board

A grilled stezz, super juicy, accompanied by mashed potatoes to the oven. The steak is served on a wooden board and comes with béarnaisesauce. Simply delicious!

4-Ärtsoppa with pancakes

Every Thursday, religiously, many restaurants in Sweden serve ärtsoppa. A typical soup prepared with peas and bacon. This dish is always accompanied with pancakes.
Pea soup with bacon, a delicious side dish to try in winter.
The typical suécas pancakes are served with red fruit jelly and whipped cream. #deixeadietaparadepoisdaviagem
Pancakes for dessert!


Grilled, cooked, smoked, raw, ... There are so many variations of dishes prepared with salmon here in Sweden, which in just one trip is difficult to prove all the options. Even though he lived here 3 years I haven't managed this feat.

Salmon with mango chutney sauce and couscous salad.
Of course I was biased and wrote that as the plate number . because that's my salmon dish Swedish favorite ever!

And now you tell me, what's your favorite food here in Sweden?

foods of australia

Toast with Vegemite

Toast with Vegemite: this dark brown, salty taste and peculiar aspectyeast extract is the most traditional food of Australian culture. In the houses of the aussies you can not miss, especially at breakfast to start the day with all the energy it provides. Many say that it is an acquired taste, and must be, as learning to enjoy it requires enough time for many of us...

Meat pie

Meat pie (meat pie): no one can come to Australia and not try the typical meat pie. Colloquially the Australians call them "dog's eye" (eyeof dog). Sell them at any bakery, supermarket and even tends to be very popular in the morning after a night of partying. The meat Australian foot has evolved much in recent years that gourmet varieties arefound in many restaurants in the country, but the traditional containsmeat, mashed potatoes, and a thick sauce.


Babysitting: Yes it's true, EAT KANGAROO! For more amazing sound,many Australians have the custom of eating Kangaroo meat. Be wellroasted, grilled or baked. Little fact is cooked and you can season with garlic, pepper and Rosemary. It is very rich!

Burger with beetroot

Burger with beetroot: almost everywhere in the world can find a hamburger in the menus as easy, convenient and safe option for those who do not want to experience. Australia, of course, is no exception. However, the aussies have a habit of add a key and absolutely unique ingredient to its burgers: a slice of beet. For them, the Hamburger is not only complete with bread, meat and cheese. Beettoot (beet) piecemade that Burger is a touch aussie and a unique taste of Australia. It is so popular in OZ that one years ago McDonald's took out the McOz (Hamburger with cheese and beet).


Fish n chips: fish roasted or coated with potato chips, inheritance of the first English who came to the Antipodes. The sun rises, summer arrives and the Aussies do not forgive their fish and chips with a cold beer. This dish is a favorite, served with lemon and salt, easy and delicious.

+1 the post. 

Food in Nigeria

Food in Nigeria

Jollof rice

Jollof rice is a popular dish not only in Nigeria but in the rest of WestAfrica. Also called benachin, which means 'a pot'.

This stew of rice has many variants, derived from different locations like where to this stew. The common main ingredients in its preparation are rice, pasta of tomato, tomato, green pepper, onion and salt.

Coconut oil is used for frying onions, seasonings and tomatoes; thenthe rice is cooked with the mixture.

Apart from these basic ingredients, you can add any type of meat, vegetables or spices, depending on the taste of the guests.


Sometimes is called the 'Peanut Stew' maafe, referring to the ingredient that distinguishes this stew of other stews.
The meat used for preparing maafe may be lamb, chicken or beef. Is it cooked with a sauce made from tomatoes and peanut.
There is no fixed recipe for making maafe, but in addition to the meat and sauce, other common ingredients include chicken, tomatoes, cabbage, onions and other vegetables of leaf or tuber.
Peanut cultivation expanded much during the colonization period and this dish was born due to the abundance of this dry fruit.


Hers is a staple food in Nigeria. It looks like the kebabs or brochettes.The dish originated in Northern Nigeria, among the people of the hausa tribe.

His is usually prepared with chicken, fish or beef threaded on skewers to cook it. However, before Threading the meat is marinated with tankora.

The tankora is a mixture of dry spices, including ginger, ground peanut, Cayenne, onion powder and paprika.

Then cooked yours on fire, traditional style 'grilled'.
To the service, it is usually accompanied more tankora, which is usedas a sauce for dipping, as well as by wheels of onion.

Moin Moin

Moin moin is a type of pudding originally from Nigeria. It is rich in proteins and a staple of Nigerian meals. The invention of the pudding is the yoruba tribe in the southwest of the country.

The ingredients of the stew are carillas1, washed and peeled onions in advance, and a combination of crushed peppers, usually chilies andsweet and spicy red pepper.
There are different types of lining that usually accompany the stew. Some would be marinated beef, sardines and boiled eggs.

Chin chin

Chin chin is a snack popular in Nigeria, fried and the rest of West Africa. It is a hard and sweet doughnut that looks like a small donut andthat in the majority of cases is fried, although it is also baked.

The dough used to make chin chin is made with eggs and flour of wheat. In some versions, veneers are also included. Moreover, those who prefer to bake the chin chin often include nutmeg to give more flavor.

Although the chin chin is often sold on the streets of Nigeria, also served as an appetizer at social gatherings, such as weddings.

coment the post !!

delicious dishes Danish

I am convinced that you can not tell me much on Danish cuisine. Unless you've been in this country or are great lovers of the cuisine of different countries, the truth is that Denmark does not have great dishes that can be internationally known. That Yes, secure a Carlsberg, the bestand most well known Danish beer company that encourages you to try these dishes.

Despite this lack of knowledge, I have to say that the Danish cuisine isof premium quality. In the main cities there are of first class restaurants and love the Danes to eat well. However they are also food lovers light, especially the sandwiches (here known as smørrebrød), prepared during lunch, although they can be eaten throughout the day as snacks.

These smørrebrød are not really ordinary sandwiches, since they havea small feature. In Danish it literally translates as "bread and butter" and consist of a slice of bread with butter, pieces of meat or fish, cheese,vegetables, slices of cucumber, tomato, hard boiled egg or onion andsome cold salmon. The distinction? Not having a second slice of breadon top, just at the base.

Another dish that caught my attention in Denmark is the polsevogn. Ina nutshell is a hot dog (there are jobs everywhere in Copenhagen) butwith a huge, much longer sausage to which we are accustomed to seeing. The preparation is similar to the of any puppy warm, with mustard,keptchup or whatever you want him to take. But what impresses is the sausage. Food cheaper, no doubt.

One of the most common dishes in any Danish restaurant is the steg flæsk, something like a plate of fat from pork with parsley sauce. To prepare the pork strips are fried and served with a garnish of potatoes, parsley sauce and vegetables. If the meat like you so much like me this isa dish that you must prove without a doubt when you go to Denmark.

If any menu you read the word frikadeller you should know are the Danish version of the typical meatballs. These are minced meat with onion, eggs, milk, bread crumbs, salt, pepper and chips are served, and clearly, in the form of balls. In any restaurant accompanied by tableside, fried or cooked, vegetables or some sort of sauce.

Finally we have to mention a new meat dish which you will find in anyDanish restaurant. It is the millionbof, a kind of steak that is cut into small pieces and is usually served with mashed potatoes, pasta or rice. It is prepared in different ways, although it is normal to season it with onion, pepper or paprika.

Whether you are going to eat at a restaurant as a light meal on the street these dishes are going to easily find. Bon Appetit.
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